The following bookstores are supported within Talis Aspire. If your bookstore is not listed here, then please contact your store and ask them if they have an API available for Talis Aspire to connect to and use to get real-time availability information. More details on the sort of API that Talis Aspire can support can be found in this bookstore API article.
Amazon UK
Pricing information is pulled through from Amazon UK and displayed on the item view.
Blackwell bookstore provides localised bookstore availability data and pricing. To set this up on your tenancy you will need to contact your local store and ask for their Branch Id (this is an identifier like A1 and not an identifier like S123.). This will be used by Talis Aspire when asking for real-time availability.
Browns Books For Students
Browns Books For Students provides localised bookstore availability data and pricing.
John Smiths
John Smiths Bookstore provides localised bookstore availability data and pricing. To set this bookstore up on your tenancy you will need to contact your local store and ask for their Branch Id. This will be used by Talis Aspire when asking for real-time availability.
The Hive Network
The Hive Network provides localised bookstore availability data and pricing. You will need to contact your local store and ask for their Branch Id so that Talis Aspire can pull through truly localised availability in real-time.
Waterstones provides localised bookstore availability data and pricing. You will need to contact your local store and ask for their Branch Id.
What does this look like on your lists?
Bookstores will appear under the "Alternative availability" heading on expanded reading list items: