Dependent on the activity your teacher is building into resources they are using on your module, you may have additional guidance provided to you about the activity directly within the content.
Within the player, you'll see the title of the resource, but you may also see a description included. Click on the 'show more' button to see the rest of the descriptive text
and 'show less' to minimise this.
Talis Elevate allows you to take private notes on resources as well, that no one else will see. To switch to private notes, click on the 'Personal notes' link at the top-right of the player below the page tracker.
Taking personal notes on your resources is a good way to gather your thoughts on the subject matter, ahead of any further activity relating to the taught content and assessment. It's good practice to make detailed, critical, and concise notes. You will find this particularly useful if you take quality notes throughout your studies when it comes to writing assignments. You can also export your own personal notes and class comments by following the instructions in this article.
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