One of the key features of Talis Elevate is the detailed analytics which you can access as an academic to identify student engagement. This support article takes you through the different analytics available in Talis Elevate and how to access and interpret the information.
Types of engagement analytics available
Active engagement
Talis Elevate only records active engagement with a resource. This means if a student has the resource open in a tab but is not reading/commenting on the item, this does not count in the engagement statistics. For example, we stop the timer:
- If a student is inactive on a resource for a sustained period of time,
- If a user has the active tab on another webpage,
- If a user is skimming through pages, we do not record this as activity on each page.
Annotation engagement
Talis Elevate also records annotation engagement, which includes:
- Highlights
- Pin drops
- Replies from students
However, they do not include anonymous comments.
How to access the analytics
Within Talis Elevate, analytics are available in the following ways:
- In-resource or "glimpse" analytics - Analytics available from within the resource and is related to the individual piece of content itself.
- The Module Manager - Analytics related to individual resources and the module as a whole.
- Automated emails - A weekly email summary delivered via email.
- Student view - Analytics for students.
In-resource or "glimpse" analytics
Access these glimpse analytics from within the resource itself by clicking the icon in the top right corner of the player. Then select "Analytics".
This opens a popup modal displaying engagement analytics for the resource itself which can help you identify how many students have viewed this resource, how long your students are spending on the resource, the number of comments made on the resource, and which parts of the resource are being used. See an example screenshot below:
Note: You can get to your Module Manager from this modal using the 'See Module Analytics' link beneath the charts.
The second tab breaks down the engagement detail per student, so you can see who is engaging a lot, who's engaging a little, and if there are any students not engaging at all with the individual resource. See an example below:
There are some useful aspects of taking a look at this data:
- ahead of a lecture you can identify those students who haven’t engaged with the resource the way you intended, or have missed the key info on page 20. You can go into that part, annotate the key section and highlight to students.
For more information on the In resource analytics available from Talis Elevate, please see Talis Elevate Analytics - In resource, "glimpse" level analytics.
The Module Manager
Analytics from the module manager page gives you a high-level overview of engagement across the module as a whole. The first pane shows you statistics per resource which allows you to see which resources have had the most time spent on them, and comment numbers. For average time spent in a resource we will now only be calculating students who have actively accessed the resource as opposed to the number of students you identified as being part of the module. This will give you more meaningful analytics and help you understand exactly what is happening within the resources on your module. This is applicable to all data from July 2021 onwards.
The second pane shows you this per student:
There are some useful aspects of taking a look at this data:
- Have you identified a resource which is having loads of personal notes taken on them? Perhaps poll the class in a live environment to find out what they are using this for.
- Is there a specific student hasn’t really looked at a resource who you know is struggling. This could prompt you to contact them independently
- What resources are being looked at during a given week (eg. induction week, the week an assessment is due, etc.)?
- What is my cohort using ahead of submitting assignments?
This analytics data gives you an insight into those students not engaging and therefore could trigger an intervention to support.
For more detail on the Module Manager, please see our support article: Talis Elevate Analytics - The Module Manager
Automated emails
Analytics for Talis Elevate are also summarised in the automated emails so you can see an overview of the data directly in your inbox, without needing to go into Talis Elevate. For more details on the analytics emails sent, see our support article: Talis Elevate Analytics emails.
Student view
Students will be able to get the benefits of analytics in Talis Elevate to help them track their studies.
As you can see from the above screenshot, this shows students:
- How long they have spent actively looking at the resource, and the class median so they can gauge how their use of this resource compares to the rest of the class.
- How many class comments have been made on the resource - again this shows their comments versus the total number of class comments for the resource.
A student's guide to analytics is available here.
Interested in the raw data?
Talis Elevate analytics are also available via the same mechanism as Talis Aspire Advanced MIS. If you would like to discuss accessing this for your tenancy, please contact your Account Manager.