If you're planning on upgrading your Talis Aspire linking to use the LTI 1.3 standard, this article contains some FAQs to help you think about the areas you'll need to consider.
We have already completed or will be completing our rollover including our Learning Management System (LMS) before the launch date. What are our options?
For Talis Aspire you don’t have to move to LTI 1.3 this academic year, we understand you will be wanting to test this in your LMS sandbox and may need to negotiate alignment with your Teaching and Learning system managers. The setup will be straight forward and supported by Talis as and when you move across.
What are the advantages of waiting to create Deep Links via LTI 1.3 this year versus waiting another year?
Either way you will be setting fresh links for sections, but the advantage is that for lists that rollover or stay static, it would be the last year you would need to set these manually as we will be using the Deep Link to follow the rollover path or maintain the existing link. By not upgrading to LTI 1.3 this year you will need to set fresh links a further year before taking advantage of the rollover linking.
Do take into account your academic year, for instance APAC has a longer lead time before the new academic year starts in Feb 2023. If you have specific questions on timing do raise a support ticket and we can discuss individual circumstances.
What happens to LTI 1.1 links if we start using LTI 1.3?
Nothing happens to existing LTI 1.1 links when you start using LTI 1.3. LTI 1.1 links will behave the same way they do now at rollover. LTI 1.1 and LTI 1.3 are entirely separate and can be run at the same time.
It is recommended to make no changes to your LTI 1.1 settings until you are happy to decommission it entirely, and that you have LTI 1.3 working.
What happens if we have both LTI 1.1 and LTI 1.3 running concurrently?
For Talis Aspire this is not an issue if you choose to do that, however, it may be confusing to academics/faculty as the tools do look and work slightly differently.
When will we need to move away from LTI 1.1?
The LMS vendors haven’t given an end of life date as yet, but we would encourage you to confirm their plans to stop support with them directly, before making a decision.
Can we not migrate the links?
No, as we are changing the type of link we use in the integration from Resource Link Launch to a Deep Link Launch in order to give us the pathway to the section linking rollover chain resolution.