In addition to changing your Talis Aspire branding, the Settings console also allows you to change the item Importances that appear on reading list in your tenancy. For a refresher on Importances, please visit this support article: Using Importances in Talis Aspire.
To edit Importances, please visit the "Importances" tab under Settings. Once you click the tab, you will be taken to a page that looks like this:
From this page, you can do the following:
- Add, edit and delete item importances selectable in the reading list by faculty and library staff.
- Reorder importances by using drag and drop and keyboard tabbing with up and down arrows to in the main screen or use the position placement dropdown in the "Edit' and' "Add new" screens.
Set importances to "active" or "inactive" to determine whether they are selectable at the reading list level by academics and visible to students.
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Importances
Adding an Importance
To add an importance to your Talis Aspire tenancy, simply hit the "Add New" button on the Importances homepage. You then will be taken to a screen that looks like this:
From here, you will need to add both a Name and a Position on the List to the Importance. "Position on the list" is related to the order the importances will show in your reading lists when academics go to choose them. You also will need to determine whether to set the item to "Active", which means the importance will be visible to academics on the importance dropdown and thus selectable.
Editing Importances
To edit an existing Importance, simply for the click the "Edit" button next to the list of Importances on the Importances homepage:
This "Edit" button will then take you to the same screen under the "Adding an Importance" section:
NOTE: Once you've made an update to an Importance, it may take a few minutes for your changes to be reflected on all list items, and for it to display as expected in the Importances area. But if you can see the confirmation message after you've hit 'Save' (see below), you can be confident your update has been captured.
Deleting Importances
Deleting Importances is straightforward, but with a caveat - you can only delete Importances that have no Associated Items. To delete an Importance that has 0 associated items, please hit the "Edit" button next to the Importance on the homepage, and then click "Delete this importance". Note: "Delete this importance" will not show for Importances that still have associated items:
After you hit his button, you will be taken to a screen reading "Are you sure you want to delete this importance", where you can choose to Cancel or continue with deletion:
Reordering Importances
There are several ways to reorder your Importances. The first is to use the arrows under the "Move up and down" category next to a specific importance:
The second way you can change their order is to use the two bars at the front of each importance to drag and drop the importances:
Setting Importances to "Active" or "Inactive"
An "Active" importance is one visible to and selectable by academics in your tenancy via the Importances drop-down from the reading list view. These Importances can be assigned to resources on reading lists for students to see. To set an Importance to Active, please check the "Active" box on the Importance editing screen:
When the box remains unchecked, the Importance is "Inactive" and thus not visible to academics in the reading list Importances drop-down.
Viewing Associated Items
An Associated Item is any resource in your Talis Aspire tenancy that has been assigned an Importance at the reading list level, typically by an academic. To view how many Associated Items an Importance has, look at the "Associated items" column next to an individual Importance on the homepage: