If your university ever makes changes to your IDentity Provider (IDP), then you will need to be sure that the changes do not change the identifier that Talis will use to find your user profile in Talis systems.
Changes to your IDP have the potential to cause loss of access to Talis Aspire for students, academics, and library staff. Before making any changes to university IDPs, it is essential you contact Talis Support to determine if the proposed changes will have an impact.
If the persistent ID changes for a given user, Talis Aspire can no longer associate pre-existing user profiles with the user who has signed in. This means that all user data (e.g. My Lists, My Bookmarks, profile information and all permissions) will become inaccessible to the user. To be clear - the data is not lost, but it is inaccessible by the user.
Before making any changes to university IDPs, it is essential you contact Talis Support to determine if the proposed changes will have an impact.
What kind of changes will alter the persistent ID of a user?
- Changing the access URL of the IDP, e.g. ->
- Changing the software platform, e.g. from Shibboleth to OpenAthens
- Moving from bi-lateral authentication, to authentication via a Federation
- Releasing new and unexpected attributes to Talis that are also valid user identifiers.