Talis Aspire Copyright Clearance now supports the management and processing of the Tertiary Music Agreement for Universities within Australia. Universities Australia negotiates and manages this commercial music licence on behalf of the sector with APRA AMCOS, ARIA and PPCA. More information on this licence is available on the APRA AMCOS website.
The optional print music licence available in the Tertiary Music Licence covers universities that have opted into the licence to:
- Reproduce print music, lyrics and tablature in physical or digital formats for use by students and staff for educational purposes or performance at a university event.
- Store digital copies of sheet music on university platforms
- Share digital and physical copies with students and staff
Note: These rights are a summary only. Please consult with your university’s Copyright Officer for the full list of rights and limitations.
Talis Aspire Reading Lists now supports Music Score as a resource type
You can now bookmark Music Scores to a reading list, if you wish to enable a specific bookmark recogniser for a regular database you use then please follow the guidance in this support article - Where can I bookmark from?
Enabling the copyright process for music scores for your University
- Check with your copyright officer that you have a Tertiary Music Agreement in place, Talis does not manage this relationship directly
Raise a support ticket with Talis Services team, who will enable the following:
- The ability for all list publishers to raise a digitisation request for a Music Score
- The ability to see Music Score requests within Talis Aspire Copyright Clearance to clear via Tertiary Music Agreement in addition to CAL
Raising a digitisation request
1. Once enabled you will see the ability to request digitisation for a Music Source resource
2. Requesting a digitisation from a Music Score resource opens a new version of the request form, populated with the data we can pull from the item. The content of the form can be edited now by the requester or later in the process by the copyright team.
(NOTE - This new version of the request form that enables the Music Score process is being finalised, to replace the request for all request types, to help address accessibility issues and support further improvements.)
3. This will now show as Digitisation Pending. A Music Score request will never go directly to LIVE, as a manual check for ownership of an original score or clearance via CAL instead as a manual override is required.
Process a request for digitisation
1. By default, requests appear on the Requests screen in the order that they were requested. Please note we have added a Resource type filter to the Requests screen and to the Requests report. This is so that a different team can process outside of the normal request workflow if required.
2. To clear via the Tertiary Music Agreement open the request and select Copyright Clearance Obtained if you are happy to proceed.
3. From the drop-down menu, select either "Tertiary Music Agreement", "CAL" or "other" as required. The screenshot below demonstrates the checks you are confirming to meet the Tertiary Music Agreement.
4. The request then progresses to Copy Pending.
5. If you wish to record the roles of the creators, eg. Composer, you can click the names of the creator edit the information. The role will then appear on the digitisation's Coversheet.
6. Below shows the Worklog events and detail recorded.
7. Once uploaded the cover sheet appropriate to the clearance route will be attached to the PDF of the Music score within the Bundle. Below is an example coversheet for the Tertiary Music Agreement.
8. This request will then go Live. The bundle (scan and coversheet) will be accessible to students from the start date of the course if in the future, or the date uploaded if the start date of the course is in the past.
Q - If we clear a Music Score via our CAL route is the copy limit calculated like book chapters and articles?
A - As a music score may not be cited consistently with an identifier, we are unable to check if the copy limit has been exceeded, we also do not have a source of reference for the total pages required to calculate a percentage. You can click on the course ID to review all previous scans for a course, as any previous use would need to be factored into the total amount scanned for a specific course and cohort of students.