Your university may require some sort of formal change process when enabling a third party LTI 1.3 tool in your learning management system. This article contains information that will help you to complete a change process within your IT department.
Frequently Asked Questions
What personal data is collected by Talis Aspire LTI 1.3?
- LTI allows Talis Aspire to be used directly within the learning system, and so please refer to the full Talis Aspire GDPR statement at all of this applies to the LTI tool.
What data is sent from your learning system to Talis Aspire by the LTI 1.3 protocol?
- Required: Information about the 'context' in which the link is created. This is typically the name and code associated with the course in your learning system.
- Required: The user's 'role'. Specifically this is what LTI role (using the LTI naming scheme for roles) the user holds, for example Learner, Instructor etc.
- The user's name and email address. These are in your control and are only sent to us if you have enabled those options when configuring the LTI tool in your learning system. If you do send them to us, they are not currently used in the system through this route.
What is the Talis Aspire Technical Architecture?
- The technical architecture information you collected for Talis Aspire when it was purchased by the library is still relevant for the LTI integration. The only difference is that you will be accessing the system through the LTI integration.
- Please raise a support ticket with specific questions if you need further assistance.