Since launch in 2009 Talis Aspire has been adopted by over 60% of universities in the UK and is currently used extensively by hundreds of thousands of students across the country and globally.
Talis services and websites are designed to be compliant with applicable disability laws and regulations and where possible to comply with relevant guidelines such as the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) published by the Worldwide Web Consortium.
We pay particular attention to the front-of-house workflows that students experience, and have designed these portions of Talis Aspire to be broadly in line with Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) AA and WCAG 2.1 compliance. We follow best practice regarding DDA compliance when designing our software.
This includes making sure we have semantic, well designed HTML markup, a logical information hierarchy and ensure Talis Aspire works well with Javascript and CSS disabled. It should be noted, however, that some areas of the administration and academic side of Talis Aspire do utilise Rich Internet Application (RIA) techniques that rely heavily on Javascript.
In addition, Talis has commissioned an independent consulting firm to advise and then verify formal certification, and is committed to implement any suggested improvements necessary to maintain conformity with the requirements of WAI level AA and WCAG 2.1 compliance.