The Talis Aspire Reading Lists (TARL) bookmarking browser extension captures the available information from an online resources and presents it in an easy to edit format, ready for your to save and add to your reading list. The following articles will be helpful in getting you started.
Bookmarking Articles
- Create bookmarks from your web browser - How to add the reading list extension to your browser so that you can bookmark resources with one click. Also includes details on how to create bookmarks using other tools within Talis Aspire.
- Bookmarking from a range of sources - How to start bookmarking using Talis Aspire Reading Lists browser extension.
- Where can I bookmark from? - This guide advises you where you can currently start bookmarking from using the Talis Aspire Reading Lists bookmarking extension. This also contains information on how to report websites that are not bookmarking as you would expect.
- What resource types are supported by Talis Aspire Reading Lists? - This article outlines the resource types that are supported in Talis Aspire Reading Lists.
- Bookmarking - Preview is not displaying - This article explains how the preview screen works and why you may or may not see a preview.
- Working with law resources - This article looks at law resources and how to best use them in your reading lists.
- Bookmarking Nuts and Bolts - This article explains the mystery of what happens when you have found a great resource to bookmark, and you click the extension. Within a few moments you see the metadata for your resource on the Edit Bookmark screen, but where has this data come from?
- How the magic of bookmarking works? - This article explains what happens when you bookmark an item and it is added to a reading list. We held a webinar to answer just this question and many more you have on the mystery of bookmarking.
- COinS bookmarking with EBSCO - This article explains how you can use COinS to bookmark from EBSCO.
- Advanced Bookmarking Book chapters - This article explains how you can bookmark specific chapters and add additional detail to the bookmark including chapter author and pages.
- Advanced bookmarking Journal articles - This article explains how you can bookmark specific articles within a journal and add additional detail to the bookmark including article author and pages.