This article is a guide on how alerts work in reviews.
Reviews works on a series of alerts in the system in order to help you with the workflow and processing of your lists.
Reviews home screen alerts
The first place you will see alerts is on the reviews home page:
The Alerts column on this screen provides a quick snapshot for the list. There are 3 types of alerts:
'New' indicates that the list has never been reviewed before. | |
A number indicates that the list has previously been seen for review and that there are changes since the last review. The number is a direct representation of the number of items that have alerts on them in the review. If a single review item has an alert (it doesn’t matter how many individual alerts are triggered), then it counts as 1 towards this total. For example 1 item on a review that has 3 alerts on it, but on the all reviews page the alerts value against the review will be 1. | |
A question mark indicates that the list has been reviewed previously in the previous Reviews area but because it is the first time it is being seen in the Reviews, the system is unable to determine whether there have been any changes to any of the items on the list. The system is able to detect new items and later editions in such lists and if this is the case the list will be alerted using the numerical alert system in the previously described alert. It is only if there are no new items or edition alerts on a list previously reviewed in the previous reviews area, will you see this alert. |
If there have been no changes to the list since last requested then the alert column will be blank.
Please note: The alerts displayed in this view reflect the status of the list when the review was requested. Any changes to the list after it has been sent for review are not reflected in this view, but will be updated when performing the list review.
List level alerts
The second place you will see alerts is when you go into review a list.
The following alerts will appear against individual items:
- Importance has changed
- Other editions may be available
- Student numbers have changed
- Student note has changed
- Library note has changed
- New item
- Outcome set
- An exclamation mark (!)
- A speech bubble
- A question mark (?)
Importance has changed
This icon indicates that an item's importance has changed since the last time the list was reviewed. You will see this icon both in the left hand panel of a Review, and at the top of the right-hand item view.
Other editions may be available
This icon indicates that there may be other editions of the work available. You will see this icon both in the left hand panel of a Review, and at the top of the right-hand item view. If the item is a book, the review will use the ISBN to search for edition information from Nielsen Book Data. If the item on the list is not the latest edition, it will be flagged with this alert. This alert remains in a review until the item is updated, so it will be repeated on future reviews even if you have chosen not to update.
Student numbers have changed
This icon indicates that the student numbers on the list have changed since it was last reviewed. You will see this icon both in the left hand panel of a Review, and at the top of the right-hand item view.
Student note has changed
This icon indicates that a student note has changed since the list was last reviewed. You will see this icon both in the left hand panel of a Review, and at the top of the right-hand item view.
Library note has changed
This icon indicates that a library note has changed since the list was last reviewed. You will see this icon both in the left hand panel of a Review, and at the top of the right-hand item view.
New item
This icon indicates that the item is brand new to the list. If the whole list is brand new then all items in the review will be flagged with this icon and other alerts (e.g. importances, student numbers) will not appear. You will see this icon in the left hand panel of a Review.
Outcome set
This icon indicates that an outcome has been set for the item. You will see this icon in the left hand panel of a Review.
An exclamation mark (!)
This icon appears in the right-hand item view to highlight what has changed since the last review including student numbers, importances, notes for students, etc.
A speech bubble
A speech bubble indicates that a comment has been added to this item within this review - you'll see the comment by clicking on the item and then opening the "this item" tab.
A question mark (?)
A question mark indicates that the item has been reviewed previously in the old Reviews area but because it is the first time it is being seen in Reviews, the system is unable to determine whether there have been any changes to the item.
Please note: The alerts will not be removed when you set an outcome or comment for an item during the review. The purpose of the alerts is to provide an indicator of what has changed since the last review.