Without a user profile in Talis Aspire Reading Lists, you can still enjoy various features:
- View public lists
- Create reading intentions
- Save student notes
By creating a user profile, you gain access to additional features, such as:
- View private lists
- Create bookmarks
- Edit lists (if you are an academic or librarian with list publisher permissions)
What's in your profile?
When you create your profile, you'll be asked for the following information:
- Your name
- Your email address
- A self-description (choose from options under broad categories like teaching staff, student, or other)
- Profile privacy/visibility settings: Private or public
Authentication is based on a Persistent ID that your university's login system automatically sends to Talis Aspire. This ID is linked to your profile so you don't need a separate password to access the system.
How to edit your profile
You can edit the information in your profile, including your name, email address, and more. To do this, follow these steps:
- Log in to TARL, click your name in the navigation bar, then select "View Profile."
- Click the Edit button (located to the right of your screen).
- Make any desired changes.
- Once you are done, click "Save Profile."
Note: If your tenancy has Automatic Profile enabled, users will not be able to edit their names or emails in their Talis Aspire profile. Instead, any changes to names and emails will be updated through the university-provided SAML attributes. Learn more in this support article.
Having problems?
If you or a colleague encounter difficulties logging in to Talis Aspire, or if there are any issues with the information displayed after logging in, please follow the steps detailed in this support article: How to produce SAML attributes when asked by a Talis support consultant.