This guide advises you how to start bookmarking using the Talis Aspire Reading List bookmarking extension.
It is anticipated that you will already have installed the extension in your browser - please refer to the installation support article for assistance on this.
So now you have the bookmarking extension installed, you can bookmark from your library catalogue as well as any of the following sites:
Bookmarking sites
# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- 19th Century Periodicals
- AACR Publications
- Academic Medicine
- Acland's Anatomy
- ACLS Humanities E-book
- ACM Digital Library
- ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies (via browser extension only)
- A cup of Jo
- Advances in Physiology Education
- ADR Bulletin
- Aerospace Research Central
- AIS elibrary
- Alexander Street Press
- Amazon (including;;, etc.)
- American Botanical Council (Herbalgram)
- American Chemical Society (ACS) Publications (via browser extension only)
- American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
- American Journal of Neuroradiology (AJNR)
- American Journal of Psychiatry
- American Meteorological Society
- American Psychiatric Association Publishing
- American Physiological Society (APS)
- American Society for Microbiology
- American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB)
- AnatomyTV
- Angus & Robertson
- Annual Reviews
- Apex
- Apple Podcasts Preview (via browser extension only)
- Archive Services, University of Dundee
- Archives Direct
- Artfilms
- Artstor
- ASHA: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- Asia Pacific Journal
- Athabasca University Press
- Atlantic, The
- Auckland University Law Review
- Auckland University Press
- Australian Council for Educational Research
- Australian Humanities Review
- Australian Institute of Criminology
- BBC news
- Bates online
- Be Nourished
- Beamafilm
- Bentham Open
- Bergen Open Research Archive (BORA)
- Berghahn Journals
- Bibliu
- Biology Letters
- BioMed Central
- BioOne Online Journals
- Biorxiv
- BJPsych (British Journal of Psychiatry)
- Blackwell Reference Online
- Blackwell's Bookstore
- Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts
- Bloomsbury Architecture Library
- Bloomsbury Collections
- Bloomsbury Design Library
- Bloomsbury Popular Music
- Bloomsbury Screen Studies
- Bob National
- Body Story Archive
- Bond Law Review
- Bonus+ (Innovative)
- Book Depository
- Books 24x7 (via browser extension only)
- Booktopia (via browser extension only)
- Brepolis
- Bridgeman Education
- Bridget Williams Books
- Brill Online
- British Journal of General Practice
- British Medical Journal (BMJ)
- British Library (NOTE: Will only work from the item detail page OR if you click on the Detail tab of the first tab on the results page)
- British Newspapers 1600 -1900
- British Standards Online (BSOL)
- Browzine
- Business Monitor International
- CAB Ebooks
- CALM Database (Westminster)
- Cambridge Books Online
- Cambridge Journals Online
- Canadian Journal of Communication
- Canadian Newsstream
- Cancer Council Australia (via browser extension only)
- Carolina Academic Press
- Case Centre (The)
- CBC News
- C. H. Beck (via browser extension only)
- Chemistry Education: Research and practice in Europe (CEREPIE)
- Chicago University Press - books
- China: Culture and Society
- China: Trade, Politics & Culture 1793-1980
- Christy Harrison Podcast
- CiteSeer
- Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (CJASN)
- ClinicalKey
- Clinical Science
- Cognet
- College and Research Libraries
- College and Research Libraries News
- Columbia University Press (CUP)
- Coop
- Copac
- Conversation (The)
- Construction Information Systems (CIS)
- Cornell University Press
- CRC Press (CRCnetBase)
- DALLOZ Bibliothèque
- Darwin Online
- Darwin Correspondence Project
- De Gruyter
- DentalUpdate
- Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
- DERA - Digital Education Resource Archive
- Development (
- Diabetes Journal
- Digital Commons (The University of Rhode Island)
- Digital Theatre Plus
- DOAB - Directory of Open Access Books
- DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
- Drama Online
- Duke University Press
- Early Theatre journal
- EBLIB - Ebrary/Ebook Central
- Ebsco Business Source Premier
- Ebsco EJS
- Ebsco Full-Text Finder
- EbscoHost
- The Economist
- e-Duke Books
- Edgaronline
- Edge Hill University Research Archive
- Edinburgh Research Explorer
- Edinburgh University Press
- Eighteenth Century Collection Online (Gale)
- Elsevier Books (Publishing site)
- Elsevier eLibrary
- Elsevier Insight
- Elsevier Science Direct
- Emerald Insight (updated Emerald Insight interface via browser extension only)
- EMIS Journals
- Empire Online
- Endocrine Society
- Equinox Publishing Journals (NOTE: for best results, close side panel of the view screen)
- ESA Journals
- eTG complete (aka. Therapeutic Guidelines) (via browser extension only)
- EThOS e-theses online service
- European Respiratory Society publications
- Family Law Online
- FIAF - International Index to Film Periodicals
- FigShare
- Film on Demand
- Financial Times
- Foyles
- Galileo Open Learning Materials
- Garland Science
- GeoBase
- GeoScienceWorld
- Genetics
- Geological Society of London Publications (via browser extension only)
- Glasgow ePrints & Theses
- Global Commodities
- Google Books
- Google Scholar
- GOV.UK (via browser extension only)
- The Guardian
- Gutenberg Project
- Harvard Business Review at
- Harvard Education Press
- Harvard Education Publishing Group
- Hathi Trust Digital Library
- HeinOnline
- He Pukenga Korero
- Higher Education Academy
- History in focus (via browser extension only)
- House of Commons Parliamentary Papers
- Human Kinetics
- IAS Plus
- ICLR Online
- IGI Global
- IMF bookstore
- [in]Transition
- The Independent (UK)
- Inderscience Online
- Informa Healthcare
- Informit
- Informit EduTV
- Informs PubsOnline
- IngentaConnect
- Inside Higher Ed
- Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education
- IntelliConnect
- Inter-Research Marine Ecology Progress Series
- IOP Science
- IWA Publishing
- JISC Historical Books
- JISC Journal Archives
- Joseph Rowntree Foundation
- Journal for Nurses in Professional Development
- Journals from the American Academy of Neurology
- Journal of Applied Physiology
- Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
- Journal of Cell Science
- Journal of Clinical Oncology
- Journal of Ethnographic Theory
- Journal of Immunology
- Journal of Neuroscience (JNeursci)
- Journal of Paramedic Practice
- Journal of the Pacific Society
- Kanopy
- Kent, Surrey & Sussex NHS Libraries
- Kluwer Law International
- Knovel
- Kogan Page Plus
- Koha
- The Korea Times
- La Trobe eBureau
- The Lancet
- Learning & Memory
- Legifrance
- Lexis Advanced (to ensure permalink is captured, click Actions > Link to this page before you attempt to bookmark)
- LexisLibrary
- Library of Congress
- LinkedIn Learning (via browser extension only)
- Literature Online (LION) - (full record, articles only)
- Liverpool University Press
- Loeb Classical Library
- MAG Online Library
- Macmillan International Higher Education
- Manchester University Press
- Maney Online
- Market Line
- Mary Ann Leibert, Inc. Publishers
- Marxists Internet Archive (via browser extension only)
- Mass Observation Online
- McGill - Office for Science and Society
- McGill-Queen's University Press
- Medical Journal of Australia (MJA)
- Medicine Anthropology Theory (MAT)
- Middlebury College News
- Ministry of Health Library - New Zealand (IE only)
- Mintel
- Mires and Peat Journal
- MIT Press Journals
- Mobilization Journal
- Modern Language Journals (MLS journals)
- My Digital Publication
- myiLibrary
- National Archives (UK)
- National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
- National Libraries Australia
- National Library of New Zealand
- National Library of Norway
- National Library of Scotland
- Nature
- Naxos Music Library
- New England Journal of Medicine
- New Left Review
- New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
- New Scientist
- New York Review of Books
- New York Times
- New Zealand Herald
- New Zealand Ministry of Education
- Newsbank
- NFB Online (via browser extension only)
- NHS site (via browser extension only)
- Nkoda
- Noart (Index to Nordic/Norwegian articles)
- Nurse Researcher
- Nursing & Midwifery Council
- One Petro
- OAPEN Library
- Ofcom
- OGEL (Oil, Gas and Electricity Legal)
- Ohio State University Press
- OJIN - Online Journal of Issues in Nursing
- Open Library
- Open Research Library
- Open Textbook Library
- O'Reilly Media Safari
- Overcast F.M (via browser extension only)
- Overdrive
- Oxford Art Online
- Oxford Journals
- Oxford Law Trove
- Oxford Music Online
- Oxford Public International Law
- Oxford Reference
- Oxford University Research Archive (ORA)
- Palgrave Connect
- Palgrave Dictionary of economics
- Papers Past
- Participations Journal
- Pastmatters
- Perlego
- Pearson Catalogue
- Pearson Publishing Australia
- Peeters Online Journals
- Periodical Archives Online
- Pidgeon Digital
- Planet EStream
- PLoS
- PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
- Policy Press
- Policy Quarterly
- Portland Press
- Press Books
- PressReader
- Proquest
- PsyArXiv Preprints
- Psychiatry Online
- Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing
- PubMed
- Qualitative Report (The)
- Quintessence Publishing
- Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Journals
- RaY - Research at York St John
- RCNi - Royal College of Nursing
- Redd-Monitor
- Refinery29
- Refractory: a Journal of Entertainment Media
- Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees
- ResearchGate (Via browser extension only)
- Research Online @ ECU
- ResearchSPAce - Bath Spa University
- Research Repository - University of Gloucestershire
- Revista de literatura
- Rockefella University Press
- Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
- Royal Society of Chemistry
- Royal Society Publishing - Proceedings B
- Royal Society Publishing - Philosophical Transactions A
- Royal Society Publishing - Philosophical Transactions B
- Routledge
- Safari Books Online
- Safari Videos Online
- Salford ePrints
- Sage
- Scholarly Commons (University of the Pacific)
- Journals
- Science Mag
- Scientia Socialis
- Scitation - AIP
- SciTech connect
- Sciverse (Science Direct)
- Scopus
- Scottish Government (Via browser extension only)
- Serials Solutions 360 Link
- Shura
- Simply Psychology
- Skills4study campus
- Slate magazine
- Sloan Management Review
- Smithsonian Libraries Library Catalog
- SNM Journals
- Socialist Register
- SportRxiv
- SpringerLink
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- State Library of Queensland
- Statista
- Solo Bodleian
- SUNCAT(Serials Union Catalogue for the UK)
- SUNY Press
- Surveillance and society
- Swetswise
- Talis Aspire Item page
- Tate Papers
- Taylor and Francis eBooks
- Taylor and Francis Online
- Techstreet
- Ted Talks
- Times Digital Archive
- Tomlinsons
- Trove
- Twitter (via browser extension only)
- The Tyee
- UBIQ bookshop
- UK Government website publications
- UK Woodland Assurance Standard (UKWAS)
- Unbound Medicine
- Unitec Research Bank
- University of Arizona Press
- University of British Columbia Press (UBC Press)
- University of Calgary Press
- University of California (UC) E-Books collection
- University of California Press
- University of Chicago Press Journals
- University of Manitoba Press
- University of Notre Dame Press
- University of Southampton Digital Library (via browser extension only)
- University of Toronto Press
- University of Wollongong Journals
- US Government Publication Information (govinfo) (via browser extension only)
- Valparaiso University
- Verso Books
- Victoria University Press (VUW)
- Videatives
- Vimeo
- Warwick Digital Collections
- Web of Science
- Westlaw
- Wheelers ePlatform
- Wikipedia
- Wikisource
- Wiley Online Library
- Wordery
- WorldCat
- The World Bank - Open Knowledge Repository
- World Scientific
- YaleBooks UK, Europe and Overseas
- Yale University Press - Books
- YouTube
- Youth and Policy
- Zenodo
- Any journal on the Highwire platform
- Any book from any Amazon sites
- Any journal on the University Press Scholarship Online platform
- Many other sites and platforms that expose DOIs or other data via the META tag.
Many OPACs and Discovery Systems
- Prism 3
- Unicorn
- Primo (including Primo VE)
- Innovative
- Voyager
- Aleph
- VuFind
- AquaBrowser
- BibSys
- Encore
- Horizon
- Endeca
- EDS (EBSCO Discovery Service)
- Vubis (V-Smart)
- Summon
- Heritage
- WorldCat
COinS - Context Objects in Spans
We now support sites that expose COinS metadata. These sites continue to work well with existing recognisers, but you may find you can bookmark successfully from a wider range of sites than listed here.
Best Practice
Where possible bookmark from an individual item view
The bookmarking extension is more likely to capture the individual Metadata from an item view rather than a search view showing many results. An item view is usually accessed by clicking the title, open or show for the resource you wish to bookmark. The exception to this is in Summon where you are able to bookmark from the search results by the way of a Bookmark to reading list ink, once you have clicked the extension.
How does bookmarking work?
We create a recogniser which based on URL recognition at the point of clicking the extension applies specific rules which identify and record the metadata on the screen.
- For book items bookmarked in your catalogue or discovery system, Talis Aspire Reading List will use the id to search for the record in the catalogue and pull the data from the catalogue record.
- If a book is bookmarked from another source and we can identify the ISBN, if this matches a record in your catalogue Talis Aspire Reading List will use the ISBN to search for the record in the catalogue and pull the data from the catalogue record.
- If an article has a DOI we will refer to Crossref to pull in the full article and journal metadata for the item.
- Where no identifier is found or matched we will use the information we have on the screen to create the metadata for the item.
Can I bookmark a PDF?
In short - your results may vary. PDFs do not allow us to automatically load our bookmarking script. In many cases, this means that clicking the extension will have no effect. Some browsers show the PDF file in a 'fake' webpage which means that the extension may work for these - but it will not be able to extract any information from the PDF. You can manually bookmark a PDF by creating a new bookmark from within Talis Aspire Reading Lists, My Bookmarks and adding the link to the PDF in the web address field.
All I get is a webpage or incomplete metadata when I'm bookmarking a book or article, why is this the case?
This will be because either a bookmarking recogniser has not been created or the recogniser is no longer working on that website/catalogue page. From time to time existing bookmarking recogniser rules break as the website/catalogue page you are bookmarking from has changed in some way, so the data we are trying to extract may be in a new location or labelled differently on the website/catalogue page.
In either instance, if you have access to Talis Support, log a ticket with the following information. If you don't have access to Talis Support please log this with your University Reading List team via the Feedback button on the reading list tenancy itself first, they will forward the detail to us. Please provide:
- The web site you were having an issue with
- The precise URL of the item you were attempting to bookmark, by copying and pasting from your browser bar
- What you were expecting to see
- What actually happened
If sent via the Feedback button, the reading list team will then report that through to Talis to investigate and where possible create or amend the recogniser for the website/catalogue page, so that next time it is bookmarked the metadata will be complete.