Talis has a number of APIs that allow developers to get data from within Talis products and present it in places that we would never have thought to put it. We also have APIs that allow you to create and edit reading lists.
If you have an idea for a way to use the APIs, we would recommend you run your idea past the developer community, as others may already be working on something similar. If you would like assistance with any of these APIs then please do either post to the developer community or contact us via support. If you are not on the developer community email list, please let us know and we'll get you added.
This article introduces each of our APIs and gives a description of what you could do with it.
Authenticated (JSON) APIs
The Authenticated APIs are a new set of APIs that are currently being used by Talis to power new features such as the new list view and new list edit. Essentially, if there is anything you can see being edited in the new list edit, then you can hook into an API that will support that.
Find out what you need for access, as they are secured by OAuth 2.0 access tokens.
View the automatically generated documentation for the Talis Aspire V3 APIs.
View the documentation for the Talis Aspire V2 APIs. We'd encourage you to use the V3 APIs where possible as they are more recent, but these V2 APIs are not going away. If we do decide to deprecate them, we'll let you know.
Read or watch the API Primer to see how to make your first API calls.
Unauthenticated Discovery APIs
These APIs allow you to find lists for particular module codes or lists that have particular resources on them. You may find that you need to work around some browser security features when using these APIs. You are strongly advised to call these APIs from a server rather than directly in a browser.
List Linking API
The list linking API answers the question “Which lists are there for my Module?” or "Which lists are there for my module in this time period?"
Linked Data API
The Linked Data API allows access to the underlying graph data in the Talis Aspire Reading Lists system.
Item Linking API
The item linking API allows you to answer the question “What lists have this resource on it?” You can pass in an identifier like an ISBN, DOI or LCN.
Bookstore API Specification
This article specifies a simple REST-based service that booksellers can implement in order to provide Talis Reading Lists with information about items that they sell.
Bookmarklet API
The Bookmarklet API is a way to launch links straight into the 'bookmark creation' screen of Talis Aspire Reading Lists. This means that you can create "Bookmark this" style links in your library catalogue or other resource discovery system.
Other useful articles
Generating a .har file
This article explains how to create a .har
file which can provide useful information to Talis support staff about the network connections between your browser and Talis and whether any of those connections are evidence of an issue.