Nothing is permanent, and it is possible that you will change your library system, OPAC or both at some point during your use of Talis products.
Talis integrates with a number of library management systems. These systems each have different ways for us to talk to them, but Talis have worked with all of the major suppliers and this is very much a known quantity. For more information on exactly how we talk to your library system please see this article.
Our systems link to your library catalogue using the Local Control Number (the LCN, usually held in the 001 field of the MARC record). As part of any data migration between library systems, this Local Control Number will change. We can help you to ensure that the LCNs that Talis products use will still link to the correct resources in your shiny new library system.
We will also ensure that when you use a new library catalogue, you can continue to bookmark from that new catalogue just like your old one.
Any migration of a library system should be notified to Talis at the earliest opportunity (through a support ticket). We will then arrange a consultancy project to manage the migration for your specific circumstances.
A migration project will be chargeable at our standard rates, and we can give you an estimate for this. The project will provide a dedicated project manager, and will cover all work and testing to make sure that your migration is as seamless as possible to your end users.