Contributed by Philip Barraclough, Resources Officer (Acquisitions & Reading Lists) from the University of Warwick.
The content for this article came about following the community contribution concerning Westlaw and Shibboleth persistent links. Philip contacted us to explain about how a member of the team at University of Warwick has created a tool for generating persistent Westlaw links via OpenAthens too. Essentially, this is a macro in an Excel spreadsheet which creates a link based on a unique identifier that staff copy and paste into the spreadsheet.
- Log into Westlaw and search or navigate to the required article
- Select and copy the docguid within the URL. This is a string of characters in the middle of the address surrounded by punctuation, see an example boxed in red below:
3. Open the Persistent Link Generator, paste the docguid into the appropriate box and click the Copy link button beneath
4. Add the copied link to your Aspire bookmark as a Web Address. Remember to ensure that the Online Resource box is ticked
- Log into Factiva and search or navigate to the required article
- Select and copy the document ID. Scroll down the article page to find it. This is a string of characters without punctuation. See an example boxed in red below:
3. Open the Persistent Link Generator, paste the document ID into the appropriate box and click the Copy link button beneath
4. Add the copied link to you Aspire bookmark as a Web Address. Remember to ensure that the Online Resource box is ticked
See also community contribution submitted by Richard Cross: Adding legal resources to Talis Aspire Westlaw WAYFless URLs