This has been contributed by Thomas Hyland, Library Systems Manager at Teesside University
Although it is not possible to install the Bookmarklet button in the browser on your iPad, you can set up a similar shortcut in the list of bookmarks on your device by following the steps below.
1) Bookmark this page - tap on the 'share' icon in Safari, which is represented by a square with an up arrow inside it, then select 'Add Bookmark' and 'Save'
2) Find and copy the bookmarklet code for your institution – for this step you will need to know the bookmarklet code for your institution. If you already have the bookmarklet tool installed on a desktop machine go into the properties of the bookmarklet and copy the URL, then save it somewhere you will be able to access on your iPad such as an email. Then, using your iPad, copy the code by tapping and holding for a few seconds then move the blue box to select all of the text. Once all of the text is selected, tap 'Copy'.
Alternatively, here is the code, which you could copy from and edit the institution shortcode (as should in BOLD):
3) Edit the bookmark you just created - tap on the 'Bookmarks' icon, which is represented by an open book, then navigate to where you saved the bookmark and select 'Edit' from the bottom of the screen.
The display will change so that a red circle appears next to each bookmark.
Tap on the bookmark to go into the edit screen, then change the title to something more appropriate. At Teesside University, we advise staff to change this to 'Add to my RLO bookmarks'. Next, remove the URL by tapping on the small grey cross then tap and hold your finger for a couple of seconds in the address box. When you release your finger the 'Paste' button will appear.
Tap on this to paste in the code you added to your clipboard in step 2, then select 'Done'
4) You're all set! - next time you find an item that you want to add to your Reading Lists bookmarks, simply tap on the 'Bookmarks' icon, go into your 'Favourites', then select 'Add to my RLO bookmarks' or what you have named the bookmark shortcut as.