Talis Aspire allows universities to select their choice of copyright clearance solution, and we have recently released an integration with the CLA Digital Content Store (DCS). This article takes you through the manual synchronisation process for existing content.
Why might you want to synchronise existing DCS requests?
When you have manually linked a CLA DCS request to an item on a reading list the item will have the following characteristics.
- There will be a manually entered URL for the CLA DCS content in the Web Address field.
- There will be no automatically updated link between the CLA DCS request and the reading list item.
- Requests for new scans in the CLA DCS will not automatically link the item on a list
If you have a lot of manually linked scans we suggest that you consider doing this with the help of paid consultancy, the process is detailed here: Talis Aspire DCS Integration Synchronising existing DCS requests. However, if there are less than 100 requests to import, then it is usually not worth the effort to do all the data checking and list items are best tidied by hand, as described below.
Using the All List Items report, you can identify items in reading lists that already have linked DCS content saved as a web address. To do this, use the following filters:
- the time period filter to identify this year's lists
- the resource types filter to identify items that may be digitisations (ie. book, chapter, journal and article).
Apply the filters and export the resulting report. Once you've opened the report in your chosen software, you can query the web address for all items that have DCS linked content.
If you subscribe to Talis Aspire Unlimited, you can use a query in Advanced MIS to find items with content linked to the DCS.
Talis Aspire DCS Integration - Manually import DCS requests
Using the item link column from the filtered All List Items report, follow the link to the item view to identify the list and course code. If you use Advanced MIS this is an easy query and means you don't have to click on each item link. You can now use this information to manually import DCS requests following these steps:
- Open the 'Manually import DCS requests' option from the Requests menu:
- This opens the following import modal:
- Copy the reading list item URL or the Share this item link:
- Then complete the import modal as shown:
The request will now be synced like all other requests already available through the integration, please see - Talis Aspire DCS Integration Synchronisation for details of how this works to keep your requests in sync with the changes made within your DCS tenancy.
Top Tip
If choosing this method to link existing DCS content to Talis Aspire Reading List, at the point when you are copying the reading list URL, you can take this opportunity to edit the metadata and remove the existing DCS link from the web address field. If following the links from the All list items report adding '/edit' to the URL will take you to the edit metadata screen.