This article is a guide to what Talis need in order to setup your Talis Aspire Digitised Content (TADC) tenancy to work with the British Library Document Supply Service (BLDSS).
This article is the first step in setting up Talis Aspire Digitised Content (TADC) integration with the British Library. This integration aims to enable customers to bring the price checking, order management and order updates British Library (BL) workflow which currently exists outside of TADC within the system.
The full workflow will integrate the price and availability checking, order submission and updates.
We will need to link your British Library account with our application, so please contact support with the following information to ensure you can utilise the integration:
- EHESS account number (also known as your 'EHESS Customer code')
- Customer API key auth (also known as your 'ART Password')
An EHESS account number can be obtained from the Copyright Licencing Agency (CLA).
Linking Accounts
There is a 2-stage mechanism for linking accounts, which involves Talis linking your BL account to our application, and then it being confirmed by yourself. When the linking has been done on our side, we will notify you to confirm. Then the following needs to happen:
- An administrator for your British Library account needs to log into here with their British Library login credentials:
- In the bottom half of the view, you will see a section titled: API Client applications your Business Unit(s) are registered to use
- Underneath that, you should see the “Talis Live” application
- Click the “Created” button, which will then change the status to “Confirmed” and that should complete the linking.
Here are more detailed instructions and diagrams on how to link accounts.